Photo Credit: Kelsey Jean Photography
My Story
Hi! I'm Amy. I love music, celebrating, and LOVE. Rolling the three together into a memorable night is pretty much the best thing ever, and I've been enjoying doing just that for over 10 years now. Polished Entertainment is my baby. I dreamed of having my own business for years, and there are few things I'd call more fulfilling.
I like people. I'm a total people-pleaser, so learning more about your vision and executing it comes naturally to me. We'll meet and I'll soak in your plans, offer suggestions for rounding out the details you haven't considered yet, and pull it together for a low-stress planning process. The day of the celebration, you'll rarely see me sitting still - or sitting at all! - because there's always something that could be done behind the scenes to make things go off without a hitch. The dance is my favorite time of the night - I'm ready to engage your guests with good music and fun lighting, not over-the-top, cheesy antics or exhaustive microphone blabber.
Doesn't sound like your typical wedding DJ? Good! Typical is boring. You don't want your wedding to look and feel just like someone else's, so your DJ shouldn't either.
I'm here to help things run as smoothly as possible. You want to enjoy your day, not stress about what comes next. Let me handle the details while you and your loved ones have a blast.